Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What I have been up to Lately!

Roses are red... you know the saying! Well, I am working on a special project for myself, which I never do, so I am needing to make about 20 of these beautiful roses in two shades of red that I will be adding to a black scarf. I can't wait to see how they turn out. After I am finish maybe I will write something up so everyone else can make themselves one for the winter season...

I love poppies, I now will have poppy headbands at my two shows (look for details soon on the shows!) in November as well as poppy earrings, poppy necklaces, poppy phone charms, poppy hair clips and whatever else I can come up with that is poppy!
Happy Halloween, look at these cute little witches legs coming out of this fun pillowcase dress I made for one of my dear friend's daughter. It was so easy and fun, since I only have a boy and will only have boys is always fun to do some girly stuff, if you need anything just stop by the shop and make a request, I am always looking for new things to create!
Here is that sweet princess and her beautiful halloween dress! What a smile!
Anyone want to eat scary dirt! We went to our first halloween party of the year and I made some yummy dirt pudding! It's so easy to make and kids love the idea of eating all kinds of weird stuff!

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